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Create it
for a better future.

Today, we face a variety of issues, from an aging society to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.
We not only aim to improve the dental health of people worldwide,
but we also strive to contribute to their overall health, happiness and the global environment.
“Fuller Life” and “Happier Planet.”
Working together with the common goals, we will be on our way to creating a better world.
This is NSK's promise for the future.

Watch the video

Fuller Life ×Happier Planet

For example, we provide support to students and children who will prop up the future of dental healthcare, or engage in manufacturing based 100 % on green energy. To realize well-being in people’s daily lives and contribute to the global environment, NSK engages in a variety of activities around the world. Here, we will introduce NSK’s initiatives aimed at creating a better world.



Refer to the corporate site for more details on the sustainability activities of NSK.